That is a heavy tent.... Nearly 5 lbs. for one persons' shelter is pretty darn heavy. You already got some good advice on what to jettison. For me poles are a must, as they take a lot of the strain off my knees coming down off the steeps. I went up Giant a few weeks ago, and would not have made it down without them, though I had to get rid of them for the scramble to the top. You could lose close to 3 lbs. with a different shelter. A garbage bag on a log makes a great seat for me. My wife and I may do an overnight loop of the Tongue Mt. Range this weekend (or go do a bunch of miles in Harriman/Bear Mt.), A nice hike if you haven't.... For a week, depending on how much water has to be carried, we average about 27 for me, 17 for my wife. Add a few to mine for a bear can- have to have them for the Eastern High Peaks, just in case you hadn't run across that. We have a Garcia- the big black keg- which you can do better than for weight and size. Good thing is- you can sit on it! lol