Resurrecting thread to shout, or at least loudly proclaim praise for the SMD Fusion 65. Used it the first time on a week-long trip, avec bear canister (sideways!) and it was great. Good support, comfortable (once I adjusted back length correctly) and large enough to lug everything I needed.

NB Adjusting back length in the field, without the handy-dandy plastic gizmo supplied with the pack, is an exercise in frustration. The velcro is plentiful and VERY grippy. It took a fistful of sticks and kitchen flatware to unstick it long enough to reposition while ironing out lumps. Figure out the best setting at home, if possible.

I typically use hoop-frame packs and was skeptical of the Fusion thermoplastic and aluminum stay frame, but it worked like a charm and was silent--no squeaking like hoop frames typically utter.

Give it a look if you're in the market.
