I just spend a few nights in southern Louisiana right next to a bayou. It was hot (in the low 80s at 9PM) and the mosquitoes were plentiful and relentless. DEET didn't close to keeping them off, even in the little bit of time it took me to set up two separate trial shelters. I was car camping so brought a few options to try in preparation for an upcoming backpacking trip. In both cases I had tarps partially set up and folded back in case of rain.

I tried two things: an REI Bug Bivy and a Hennessy Hammock. The Bug Bivy looks like a great idea: It's got a 3+ -foot diameter freestanding dome with several feet of loose netting meant to drape over whatever you're sleeping in. The flaw seems to be that if it's cool enough to be sleeping inside much of anything the mosquitoes probably aren't that bad. I tried that first and found out very quickly that it was far too warm to get inside either my silk bag liner or my MYOG Tyvek bivy. On top of that, netting draped over the campsite grass was full of enough mosquitoes to drain me dry by the time I got inside. It makes me think that something like the SMD Deschutes-Plus (Wild Oasis) would probably fail miserably in this situation.

The Hennessy Hammock worked much better. I managed to get in with only one or two stalkers and close up the Velco pretty quickly. I dressed in lightweight running clothes and didn't pull the Tyvek over me until after midnight. That worked pretty well for two nights, although the buzzing was still very close to my ears and insistent until well after midnight -- enough to keep me up. I awoke the second night with a bunch of bites on my back, some determined bloodsuckers must have gotten their straws through the hammock nylon plus my running shirt. There's no question that the Hammock is best in heat: I think that even without bugs I would have been unconfortably warm on the ground and certainly on a sleeping pad.