I take a multi-pronged approach to tick control. I'm not convinced everything works but its not terribly expensive and not likely harmful. I can't say I never get a tick but I have been hiking with others where I didn't find any ticks on me and others did.

-treat clothes and gear with permethrin
-take a sulfur based supplement. I take MSM for joints anyway.
-use a sulfur based repellent . I read somewhere that DEET is better for flying insects and sulfur is better for arachanids which includes chiggers and ticks. Please don't ask me to cite my source.
-shower with tea tree oil soap . Tea tree oil is one of several essential oils that is supposed to repel ticks and other insects. In any case the soap I chose is a made in USA soap and that makes me feel good too.
-finally, do tick checks throughout the hike or whatever activity