I have used collapsible bottles on the trail for more than a decade now. I use the 2-liter Platypus bottles, mainly because they are readily available, durable and provide good utility for their weight. I know they are very durable because I've given them plenty of use, folding them and unfolding them hundreds of times. Only once has a bottle sprung a leak and it was a pinhole-sized leak that didn't cause any real grief before I discovered it.

I never mix any form of flavored powder in my water bottles, because I like to drink plain water on the trail.

Your review isn't very detailed. What size bottle are you using which weighs 2.25 ounces? What is it that impresses you about these bottles? What led you to select this bottle over others? About the only thing I can tell about them from your post is that they come in orange, have a slightly wide mouth and a small strap attached.