I've never packed out an animal. Perhaps you should ask hunters in your area what they use.

Around here, I've noticed most hunters use four wheelers or they drive into a base camp. They usually have a huge tent and lots of beer.

If I were going hunting I might bring about six bullets. Maybe only three. You won't get that many good shots.

I'm not sure what you'd use an ax and a shovel for.

Before you get too far into this, I'd suggest trying to carry 75 pounds on your back for 10 miles. Use any pack for this experiment. It sounds like you are going to carry at least that much. Or you can go to Home Depot and carry a 75 pound bag of cement once around the store without resting.

My personal opinion is you are trying to pack too much learning into one trip. It seems like you are trying to learn camping, hiking and hunting in one trip. Unless you have a guide, it will likely be miserable.

Why not drive into a camp and bring all the stuff you want. Hunt 2 or 3 miles from the camp and only carry the essentials. If you manage to kill something to bring home, you can make several trips to bring all the meat.
