Well, I went ahead and did it, kinda. I decided not to write an ebook as planned, at least just yet. Instead I broke out what would have been chapters in the ebook and created blog posts. I currently have 5 posts up and will write a few more in the coming weeks. My intent is to continue to write and build up a little audience, then go into possibly selling content based off what readers say they would like. After a few more articles on backpacking are written I'll move into other topics, tenkara is one thought, although I'll only write one or two articles about tenkara.

Down the road I don't plan on the content looking like it currently does. The future content will be more instructional in nature and provide information in a variety of ways, not just articles and a few videos.

There is already a lot of good sites and books out there, a few of which have been mentioned in this thread, so I don't want to go down a road similar to theirs. While I've started in a similar spot, I'll eventually head down a different path. It's a growing process, but I had to start someplace. I'd love to hear all your feedback, the good, bad and ugly.

Here's the site: The Amateur Outdoorsman

Thanks again for all the feedback on my earlier thoughts.