Best way to stay equipped for whatever mother nature throws at you is:

1 - Wear moisture wicking clothing, especially base layers. Nothing says backwoods discomfort more than unwelcomed sweat. In cold weather, a sweaty day-hike can easily become an overnight survival situation. The last thing you want is wet clothes.

2 - Layers, Layers Layers. In the summertime, my wardrobe is usually 2 layers, 1 worn and 1 handy. In addition to this, I will have a rain shell. In spring, fall and winter, I am usually wearing 2, sometimes 3, layers with a fleece and a shell handy. With multiple layers, you have several combinations to switch between to find your comfort zone.

Plan for worst case scenario - on a day hike, if you rolled an ankle and were forced to spend the night in the woods, what is the bare minimum you would need to survive?

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail...happy trails!
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