Originally Posted By billstephenson
Thank you!

After testing a few different thicknesses I used 2 mil visqueen for the front panel. It's plenty strong enough and doesn't get too stiff when cold.

One downside is it will build up condensation overnight when it's wet out and you have the front panel closed. I imagine some vents near the top would help reduce that a lot, but I've not put any in mine yet. It dries quick if you get a fire going. You can even dry wet clothes in it pretty quickly, so it's not been a issue that's bothered me.

I think this tent matches your style of camping perfectly and you'd probably love it as much as I do. If you make one, you'll be the only other person I know that has one, and from what I've seen in your videos that won't bother you a bit. wink

I'd be glad to share what I've learned in more detail. There's certainly room for improvement and innovation in the concept, which is still pretty new. I've seen a few other tents made with the SOL emergency blankets, but they weren't designed to be used with a campfire. And I've seen a lot of variations on the "Super Shelter", which is truly ingenious, but they've all focused on the bush crafting method of building one.

I see this as the inevitable direction for these too approaches and after giving it a lot of thought the simplicity of the Bakers Tent design is hard to improve upon, but you really have to use one to truly appreciate it. It'd be hard for me to use anything else now.

Awesome. I am building it.

That is all there is to it...