
If you made a video the house would have burned down. Once I realized nothing bad happened, I read your post several times and laughed all the way through it.

The first alcohol stove I made was when I was a kid. I put a beaker about half full of alcohol above a bunsen burner. The beaker had a cork and a piece of copper tubing sticking out the top. It shot out a flame a couple feet long. Needless to say, it could boil water quickly. It would also melt glass if you held it in the flame.

Seriously, experiment outside where you can't burn anything important down. It is best to experiment when it's a little dark so you can see the flame.

Oh, be sure you don't have any alcohol on your hands when you light the stove. It hurts when you catch your hand on fire and don't see the flame in the sunlight. Don't ask how I know that. Besides, you might knock over your beer while waving your hand to get the fire to go out. Of course, that just makes the flame hotter.

Edited by Gershon (06/13/14 01:08 PM)