OK, again thanks for all the feedback on my question. I didn't forget your input, I actually went away and did a little more research to update my original idea. Instead of an ebook, I would like to start a blog, written for those brand new to backpacking. This blog will help them understand what to look for in new gear before committing to buying it. It will not be a gear review/recommendation site, but will help readers understand the basic components of their equipment, regardless of model. For a better background, here’s my intro article I wrote up if you are interested in reading, it’s about a page long: Link to opening article in Google Docs..

But, what I would like is feedback on my article on choosing a backpack that’s right for your backpacking needs. Here are a few points to keep in mind if you are able to read it, the article is 3 pages, but includes a few charts.

My demographic: People brand new to backpacking. A step further in the demographic might be 25-45 year olds. I’m not trying to target people who have been backpacking for a year or so or already know about backpacking equipment.

Purpose of the article: To provide readers with a clear and easy way to understand the important components of a backpack and find one that’s right for their needs.

How I came to cover the material I did: After doing some more reading (recommended books, blogs, etc.), attending beginner backpacking classes, listening to people’s questions when they were buying packs at REI and talking to a few of the customers, I tried to address the customers main concerns. I realize I left of various classes of backpacks, denier, material type, etc. but that was by design. I really wanted to give new backpackers something they can use to make the process of learning about and buying a backpack, and eventually a tent, sleeping bag, easier.

Feedback I'm looking for:
  • Did I completely miss something or was I off the mark on any points I made in the article?
  • Did I get the main points correct about choosing a new pack?
  • This is my first stab at writing a blog post, so if the article doesn’t read well for you, please do let me know.
  • Any additional feedback/questions is very appreciated.

If this works my plan is to edit the article as needed and then get started on ones for sleeping system, tent, and stoves.

Article link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12YbWEGbQcbwzrKVnWRBuB3NdKlLvkekqicF9OfUrPP4/edit?usp=sharing .
If a Google Drive Doc link is not allowed, feel free to delete and I can repost is a more forum-friendly manner.

Another long post, but thanks for reading through it. If you are able to provide any type of feedback, no matter how small or large, I would be very appreciative. Thanks again.