
I have published about 44 books on Amazon. My advice is to write the book. Even if it isn't the best book about backpacking, you will gain valuable experience. In the introduction, be clear about your level of experience and don't oversell the book. Also be clear about who the book is for. If it's targeted at beginning backpackers, say so. Then go out and revisit your beginning backpacking experience with actual trips.

For example,if you are going to write about the misery of carrying a 70 liter pack filled with unnecessary gear, go to a pawn shop, buy a pack, fill it and go on a trip. The writing will be more authentic. You will also be able to add pictures.

While you are using the gear, I suggest making videos. I suggest reading the book "How to Shoot Video that Doesn't Suck." You could make shooting videos part of the book with a chapter on making videos. I'm not an expert video maker, but I think you will find this video as good as most. After you make the videos, you can transcribe them and you will have a book. You can publish the video series on YouTube, giving away the whole book, and use it to market your book. Read "How to Market eBooks on YouTube" for information on how to do this. Each time you go out, explain your gear and why you use it. If you try to stay conceptual, instead of mentioning a brand, it will be timeless.

Maybe you could call the book "The Evolution of a Backpacker."

For the mechanics of writing the book, I suggest "The Kindle Publishing Bible." The only part that is outdated is using html in the description.

Check with your accountant, but if you write the book, all the money spent should be tax-deductible, assuming the book sells.

Don't let anyone tell you your book can't be successful. My most successful book is the one people told me would never sell any copies. I only wrote it to get practice writing books.

At worst, writing the book can give your backpacking focus and be a fun experience. At best, it can make thousands of dollars for you over a few years.

Good luck,
