The more I read your posts and the problem you are having with the general public the more I think of the make up of the general public. We are whole nation now where the GP is made up of reality show watchers, video game players, a great deal of substance abusers and self centered folks looking for something for nothing in a really bad instantly gratifying way. That's the GP now. Extremely sad but look at the culture that has produced this fodder. Could you have imagined a world 30yrs ago where people would be socially and emotionally dependent on a freekin' telephone. That's some serious crippling of independent thinking alone.

I see you are a therapist. I'm a little surprised any of what you are encountering shocks you. These are the kind of folks that have me pulling my hair out on a daily basis. That's why I try to get as far as I can from them and hiking into the woods is "sometimes" a solution.

You should try boating someday and see the rude, obnoxious "Im the only one on the planet" types out there.

Simply put you are dealing with what was once a minority becoming the vast majority. Sadly IMO you will have no way of avoiding it other than walking away. And you might want to give it a try for a season and see if your quality of life improves.
