In our area shooting must take place a certain distance from a road or dwelling. If they were shooting from the road side that may be a legal violation. If the USFS folks were attending to a gate they surely should not have been in the line of fire. It would be inexcusable to be shooting across a roadway. IMO if the Sheriffs office was responding they were going to have more than just a chat with them.

This scenario is why I find it ever more urgent to urge folks to use organized shooting ranges. If your not hunting there isn't any reason why you cant have just as much fun shooting and be that much less of a hazard to others. With all the negative views of firearms these days it also creates a heck of a lot less controversy. Glad you stayed out of harms way.

Bottom line we are at the mercy of the lowest common denominator of john q public's common sense. cry

Edited by jimmyb (12/31/13 04:00 PM)