Using bear bells, btw, is dangerous - it will lead to yelling if you come across me on the trail. Possibly random swinging of a trekking pole. They do nothing but annoy other hikers.

I would agree, they really don't project enough noise to be effective but I have a small set of bells that are hardly audible I tie on only in Grizzly country which helps remind me to make noise along the trail. When we are hot and tired after a long hike the last thing I really care to do is expend precious energy calling out. We have gotten a few looks from folks the Rangers call "bear bait" when we are making noise but it doesn't bother me much in that its not my life that will be compromised by traveling down the trail quite as a mouse. It may be just me but hiking with big brown bears amps up the intensity a bit and I feel the extra precaution of making some noise is worthwhile.

Also I would rather a swat from a hiking stick than from the business end of a Grizzly bear paw. smile smile wink
