I do eat breakfast, takes about an hour to a little more to get rolling in the summer. I try to pack as I force down a dry bar or whatever and more, mixing up different foods for breakfast to keep it interesting. I fail to keep munching on snacks thru the day, my goal is camp, get out of my way, rare breaks, someone might beat me to that ideal spot. Dinners are repacked, I bring a couple crunched up ramen dinners to cut costs. I've thought of even pouring some food like granolas into the canister, thus filling voids. I have done a few bigger mile days, 21 miles just two years ago at age 58 and a few years before that a 18 mile day in Yosemite, during which time I was getting vertigo all afternoon and having to lay down 5 minutes every half hour to an hour. Felt fine once I made camp, just before the rain started and snow at higher elevations. I think snacking would be my best bet to keep energy up on normal days, just space is at a premium.