Hi Duane. Using one of those clear blue, black capped, giant child proof containers (bear canister who's brand escapes me right now), I could get in 6+ days worth of food; NOT 7. This feeding schedule was a bit of a revelation that I tried earlier in the summer first and it worked well.

My breakfast's are boring though; 1/3rd cup instant oatmeal, 2T chia seed, 2T brown sugar. I just add hot water and let it sit as soon as I get up. While it sits I pack up stuff. In 10 min I'm finishing up with cleaning and packing, then out of there. Its about 30 min including constitutional wink. Those figs keep me regular...like clockwork laugh

The other thing about the oatmeal is that it packs small relatively. But I think any kind of breakfast is important for covering distance; and you have to keep fueling yourself along the way. I was eating more than 1000 cal a day just with my snacks.

Another thing that worked for good mileage days was an extended lunch time soak period; find a nice creek or lake to soak the feet and legs in/do some laundry. After that I could easily haul ass for 5+ hours.

Edited by skcreidc (12/10/13 05:14 PM)
Edit Reason: added stuff