Packit Gourmet- best chili and best eggs . The eggs are incredible when Oberto Bacon Jerky is added. The Bacon Jerky is my new favorite backpacking food. I've only had 3 stoves so far in my backpacking life- an Optimus 8R from the mid seventies and a MSR Whisperlite from the 90's. They both still work (after a number of re-builds) , but I got an MSR Micro-Rocket. The Micro wins anywhere above 20 degrees. Pretty stable and very adjustable for a 2.6 oz. stove. Thermarest Neo-Air x-lites. Noise is reduced from the original, decent R-value- was OK on snow with an e-blanket on the tent floor- real comfort for the packed size and weight. Female version has higher R-value- the wife loves hers. My wife and I started to use Buffs. Very versatile piece of equipment. Also a tiny, but very powerful Egear flashlight I wear on a lanyard. Thanks to sites like this and a fair amount of experience, really didn't have any complaints about bad gear.