Originally Posted By Dryer
Back in Boy Scouts (about 45 years ago), we used a soup can with tightly rolled corrugated cardboard up to about 2/3rds the depth of the can, with melted Gulfwax up to about 1/2" from the top of the cardboard. A blue flame would hover down in the can all night long keeping the tents toasty. It was much safer than candles, can't say about the carbon-monoxide, anyway, nobody died from it. ;-) The flame was the diameter of the can which put out substantial heat. I've not messed with one since but it did work well back then.

Well that is really interesting. I haven't given the candle end much thought except to note that the tea candles have a very light container for the wax. They have some down sides though too.

Custom candles built for the purpose have a lot of potential. The cardboard wick is sure clever. I'm going to have to play with that.

Thank you for sharing. That's the kind of info I'm needing to build on this.

We've got some perfect weather here right now to be experimenting with this. Unfortunately we have a big shindig for Thanksgiving and I'm under orders to get things ready. I still get to play with fire though, I'm smoking some turkey and ham with some hickory, so I'm still having fun!

"You want to go where?"