
Main Concern is how much space your wife wants, some women need a little extra space when camping, makes it more pleasant.
Especially in wet climates, seems you like to camp in areas with lots of moisture.

Personally, my wife is flexible on this as long as I keep the bugs & snakes out!

Have you looked at a Big Agnes Jack Rabbit SL 2.. about the same weight as the 3 tents mentioned.

Owned both used REI Half Dome 2 ( 2007 ) and orange Hubba Hubba (2009 ). REI's big selling point is the lifetime return policy no matter if its used, means you could go with all 3 and those of us that live in your area would get a deal at a Scratch & Dent on your return tents.....LOL

MSR Hubba Hubba may have slight moisture issue if not vented properly but my first choice if the Jack Rabbit is not a choice. Lighter, freestanding and no possible pole issue

Half Dome 2 newer version has a issue if not setup properly,the main poles could be twisted the wrong way and snap when installing cross pole, seen it happen at a REI Scratch & dent sale.

Sierra Flash 2 - looks good but found out its not free standing (do you want freestanding)

my personal tents now:
I have Squall 2 tarp tent, 8x 10 tarp & OR Bivy for BP.
Car / base camping a Big Agnes Jack Rabbit SL 3

Hope some of my input helps, depend now on your camping requirements.
