Originally Posted By BP4Fun
I am very new to backpacking. I am currently researching and collecting gear (starting from nothing) and hope to have my first overnight trip in a couple of months.

There is a lot of information on the internet (especially youtube) about Personal Safety Kits (PSKs). These are often in the form of an altoid can.

Do backpackers really carry these small kits separately from the gear in their packs or do they just make sure they have backups for the essentials (light, fire starters, etc) with their other gear?

This depends. There are different types of backpackers. Some like to walk into a nice lake or other location and then camp there for a few days while they explore the area. this is sometimes referred to as basecamping. These people generally carry a lot of stuff for more comfort. They also need a separate day pack for their exploring. A PSK is a good idea in this case.
Another type of backpacker is one who likes to cover the miles. They generally have a light pack and never leave it. Their entire pack can be classified as a PSK, so no need for another one.
There are of course, many different types of backpackers, and my two examples do not cover them all. But, it does highlight two examples of people who might, or might not, need one.
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