Take a look at the articles on the home page of this site in the left hand column, particularly the 27 pound, 7 day gear list. It's not that difficult!

Why do you carry so much water? Do you backpack in the desert? I backpack in the mountains where there are normally frequent water sources and rarely carry more than a half liter at a time. The exception is if I'm traversing a long high ridge, especially during a dry spell, and may travel all day between water sources. In that case, I will carry 2 liters to get me through the day. I of course drink at least two more liters morning and evening in camp. "Cameling up" at water sources helps!

Reducing the number of stuff sacks is a good way to cut weight. That "it's not that much" becomes significant when added up. Consider using zipered sandwich or snack bags for organizing small items; they weigh far less and you can see what's inside. For even smaller zippered plastic bags, try the beads section of your local crafts store.

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey