The OP said he wants to carry two weeks worth of food at once. This can add up to a considerable bulk, depending on the food he chooses to take. It is also difficult from this distance to know how bulky his other gear is. So, it becomes equally hard to know whether he needs a 60L or 90L pack.

The advice to gather up his gear and food so he can put it into the pack he is considering buying is the best possible advice under the circumstances. He can do this at the store, or, if the store has a reasonable returns policy, he can bring the pack home and do his evaluation of fit, size and general acceptibilty there with less time pressure.

I never presume that my experience has any bearing on what someone else will want or need in the way of a pack. People differ too much in their build and their packing style to allow me to generalize from what I do to what they will be happy doing.