
I have 9 books on Amazon and 2 or 3 more coming out this month. I'm in the top 2% of eBook authors on Amazon.

Nobody could pay me enough to give a presentation, so I'd do it for free. There are different ways to value a book. If a book generates $250 a year, the rights to that book are worth about $10,000. If I use this formula, I've been making $2,750 a day. I work about 3 hours a day, so my time is worth $900 an hour.

That explains why I don't come here often anymore.

If someone at the local university asked me to speak, I'd do it for free because it would be fun. My niche is building an eBook career, so I'd be a good choice for Universities.

If I were planning a hike in the Grand Canyon, I'd speak at a school in Las Vegas, which would make most of the trip tax deductible.

There are authors building a business as coaches. Most start around $6,000 a year to exchange emails. I've seen one charging $500 an hour for personal coaching.

I would teach a workshop for 2 or 3 hours a day at the community college or University for free. I would benefit more than the students, because I'd learn more information for my books.