The front pole can be used outside the front door in addition to inside. I personally never judge a tent for its view, as I tend to spend as little time in them as possible.

That being said, down side is no vestibul, poorly positioned rear pole, and is a bit of a wind catch.

The local outfitters can't seem to keep them in stock. The order half dozen and they are gone the day they come in. I know a guy who got one and he loves it. He told me wind wasn't an issue. Since I'm in the Owens Valley wind is a constant in the spring. The rear of the tent angles in at about a 60 deg angle which sheds wind pretty well I'm told. If the wind swirls and switchs direction, like it tends to do in the Sierras, the stability could be affected.

I think it's a pretty neat design and hope future models correct a few errors in design.
The wind wont howl if the wind don't break.