[quote=Franco]BTW, the 30"x 77" 2lbs 4 oz TM looks like this :

Thanks Franco. That's exactly what I'm looking for. I've looked and looked, and had passed that particular pad up numerous times because I had conceded the idea that thermarest didn't make a 30 inch pad.

To all of those that suggested others, I appreciate it. The particular 25 inch neoair that I tried was indeed rectangular. I do fit on them (barely), but I am a bit of a tosser and turner, and just don't think that a 25 inch or 26 inch for that matter would make me happy.

Again, being a newb, I'm not terribly familiar with r-values. Will an R value of 2.2 cut it insulation-wise in the Rocky Mts. of Wyoming in the summer months?