I always refer folks to this site: Pete's Poles Page

If you just want to try out poles, get a pair of used ski poles the correct length (try thrift shops). Once you're sure, then try a bunch of different good ones of different styles. You probably need adjustable poles if you're using them for a shelter, although that depends on the length you need for hiking and the height of your shelter. You'll need to decide whether to get the kind you turn to adjust (which I use) or the kind with flick-lock adjustment. I prefer the former but a lot of folks like the latter. I prefer Leki poles because I've used them (or a Leki walking stick) since 1989, and have had no problems whatsoever. Again, there's a lot of personal preference at stake here!

I also use my poles (with rubber tips on the points) for exercise walking around home. It turns walking into a whole-body exercise!
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey