Originally Posted By rockchucker22
No I don't, but also stated in my first post $100 is too little of an amount to get a good light weight bag. I think it was Tom D. That said cheap, light, quality, pick two cause there is no such thing as a quality, inexpensive, light weight sleeping bag.

With sleeping bags it is light/cheap/warm, pick two. Light weight is a relative term. You say 3 lbs is a brick. But, for many, that is just fine. For my scouts (which are in his target age group) I have to do everything I possible can to convince parents to spend a lot of money to buy a 3 lb bag. They see $100 as a small fortune (which it is, especially in this economy). If $100 is his budget, then it is better that he buy a 3 lb bag and GO, then to sit at home waiting for the funds to appear, so he can save a pound. At the end of the day, it is better to just go, then sit at home wishing your pack was lighter.
I've taken a vow of poverty. To annoy me, send money.