
I have one of those nail clipper like dealies on my flyvest for cuting line. I do generaly carry nail clippers in my first aid kit - they are good for digging out ticks and splinters of fixing a busted nail and I always carry a small nail file.

I have found that those blue hydrogel burn pads are really wonderful on all kinds of wounds from scrapes to burns and they heal much faster too. I haven't had to use them on myself but a couple of friends have benefited from them.

And eyedrops. I always carry a tiny bottle of eyedrops like just a couple grams worth, but if you get something in your eye camping, being able to rinse it out just might save an agonising trip home.

I've never sewn anything while camping and I would NEVER put duct tape on any of my expensive gear and have goey stuff on it later - I'd rather lose the down and replace it and repair it later.

I carry a Gerber LST knife. Its about 3 inches long open. Many trips it never comes out and is prety much only used to cut up food.

With dogs you have to carry extra - sometimes I carry my gun to protect my dog. Carrying a bowie knife might not be unreasonable instead under the circumstances, but you have to be prepared to actually knife something lethally or it don't matter.
Jim grin

These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.