Interesting; recovery time sounds somewhat worse than when I had surgery for Morton's Neuroma (cut out about an inch of damaged nerve). I think there I was off my feet for a week or two, literally used a wheel-chair once (which is a fascinating experience that I think all healthy people should have, just so they're conscious of how wheel-chair bound people feel in social and other interactions).

But 3 months after my surgery I was starting a long backpacking trip. It was pushing things to do so, and I didn't have much chance to walk/train ahead of time, but it worked. So if it's 3 to 4 months before any significant walking --- sounds a little tougher on the recovery.

My best wishes and sympathy. I was sort of going nuts by the time it felt half-way comfortable to walk more than a block or so. I'm sure that she'll appreciate your patience and support.
Brian Lewis