Hi Heather
I'm with you - I'd feel embarassed to ask for rescue. What ever happened to crawling out or dying because you were so stupid that you deserve it? How many climbers have said "I'll get there even if it kills me", and it does, and they do not expect to be rescued.

No somehow this rescue thing seems to be mostly reserved for everyday normal domestic type city dwelling idiots who shouldn't have been doing what they were doing in the first place (Oh my did I say that?). What is this propensity for rescueing everyone???

When I would go into the Sierras for a few weeks I'd tell my mom that it wouldn't be worth looking for me if I'm not back by then because I don't know exactly where I'm going. Now for those involved in SAR this is a horror story - OTOH see my post about people-cams. Some think we would be safer if we were constantly monitored.

Personally I do not carry a cell phone, not camping and not while not camping. grin I do carry a gps because it does get signals were I go unlike cell phones. I guess they won't go away, and since they broadcast your GPS location anyway, those that carry one should feel extra safe. It is not an essential item.
Jim eek
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.