Your point is quite logical, and finances are tough for counties right now, but I think you could make a reasonable case for the use of the cell phone actually saving everyone time, money, and discomfort, if not more.

Absent the cell, they would have continued to try to regain the trail, perhaps suffering a fall, twisted ankle, or something similar. By the next day, someone would realize they were missing and would contact authorities. Then would follow a more massive search effort, most likely centering on their automobile parked at he trail head, involving more time and effort, as well as probably expense.

This isn't far fetched. I have participated in at many operations that follow this general script, before cells or even CB radio.

In what way were they not prepared? They were probably not the most expert, but should there be a financial liability for losing a trail? Who decides "preparedness?"

"Sir, i am issuing you a citation for 'failure to do right'" said the ranger grimly.....

BTW, a lot of victims have voluntarily contributed money, as well as a huge amount of good will (often translated into broad based community support) to their SAR group..