I have not done the exact trip you are contemplating in Death Valley NP. But I have done a couple of backpack trips in that region. Probably the closest was a trip along the spine of the Panamint Range where we dropped down to Eureka Dunes at the end. My partner had found a Paleozoic age shark tooth and after measuring a stratigraphic section, we decided to go back and traverse the spine to check out the rest of the geology. This was in around 1981 to 1983.

Tips? Well,

1). Most dunes will sing, but they have to be dry enough with windy conditions to do so. The windy part is usually not a problem.

2). You will have to stash water, unless you want to carry it all with you. Better to make at least 1 stash...more for sure if you are not use to desert travel. Even in winter you will use up lots of water as it is dry here.

3). Look for sheltered camp sites. It will probably be windy.

4). Be sure you are comfortable with navigating off trail.

Don't expect much more feedback about this trip from this site. It is just not high on the to do list for the people who frequent this site.

Good luck, sK