Originally Posted By oldranger
I favor any compass with a mirror and baseplate. I currently carry an elderly Suunto MC-2, but there are lots of equivalent models.

I have a "mythical" place called somewhere. It's where I put stuff I don't use, but don't want to toss, either..then I can't remember where that somewhere is, half the time.. smile Anyway, I have a Suunto stuck away there. A friend of mine bought it when he wanted me to teach him orienteering. He lost interest though, and decided that a GPS would be much better. I tried to talk him into learning how to use a 1:50,000 scale topo map first. Then if his GPS ever failed, or he couldn't get a signal for some reason, he could navigate himself out of anywhere. He wasn't having any of that, so I scored a $50 compass for free. Seemed like a very well made compass, but I don't recall ever really using it. Now if I can ever find that darned "somewhere", I'll pull it and other stuff out.
