Step one - make sure fires are legal where you are going.
Step two - sit down in front of your computer with a snack and your favorite non-alcoholic beverage (only because you need your memory intact, no moral judgment here) and turn to the Oracle of all things, YouTube. No, I am not kidding. Search for fire starting or similar terms and you will find dozens of videos on the topic, from how to use a firestarter (some made by people seliing their product) to making a fire using old school native methods.
Here are a couple of examples I found in about 30 seconds (haven't watched them except to see they are on topic)

Not all will be useful and you have to sort out the ones with "fire" in the title but relate to bands and who knows what all, but look hard enough and you will eventually find the good ones.
Don't get me started, you know how I get.