Nah, the only time I use a hood is when it's actually really cold out... like below freezing. Otherwise, my arm tends to just stick out awkwardly across the tent floor, so if I'm smart and plan ahead, I keep a sweatshirt or something out to wrap around that arm when temps drop. I get cold, roll over so the cold arm is against me and the other arm sticks out, wrap the "out" arm in the sweatshirt, and go back to sleep. I can always continue doing that; I was just wondering if anyone thought a longer quilt might work more efficiently.

OregonMouse - I leave my sleeping bag at least half-unzipped even in cold weather (the coldest I've been out in was -5F; not crazy but not exactly a balmy summer evening either!) because I get claustrophobic. My first night winter camping, the instructors on the course I was doing helped show us how to get our two-layer mummy bag systems all closed up around us. I'd never had trouble with claustrophobia before, but I had a panic attack and actually busted the zipper on the outer bag. All night, I kept waking up hyperventilating and have to sit up and stretch out my arms (and there were people scrinched in on either side of me, so there wasn't enough room to move at all) until I calmed down.
Never, ever again. I don't care if it's a hundred degrees below, I'll freeze to death before I zip that thing up again.
Also, I no longer sleep between two people, and that helps a lot as well.

Edited by mimstrel (09/04/12 01:13 AM)