I hear ya, Phat. I play dumb sometimes just to see if the person I'm talking to knows anything; sometimes they do, sometimes they don't, even at REI, which seems better than most since I often see older staff there. For a newbie, they won't know any better. I see so much stuff in there I would never buy, but someone must, otherwise it wouldn't be on the shelf. Told this story before a few years ago, but worth a retell (bear with me long-timers).

Me (putting a Voile snow shovel on the counter at the then brand new REI in Folsom): Hi there.
Clerk (very nice young girl): Hi, can I have your member number?
Me: Hmm, I usually get asked "Are you a member?" How did you know?
Clerk: Oh, you're buying a member item, non-members just buy clothes.
Me: Hmm, interesting observation.

Edited by TomD (07/14/12 02:41 AM)
Don't get me started, you know how I get.