Tums works far batter for getting ride of the headache than Aspirin will! About 5 min and the headache is gone. The headache is from lactic acid build up in the blood stream. normally at lower altitudes there is enough air that you can expel it from your body via your lungs but at altitude you are "anaerobic" and it collects, the tums being an anti-acid neutralizes this and gets rid of the headache.

Also be careful not to drink water to try and get ride of the headache or you can quickly run through you supply of water. People I hike with are always running out of water where I can hike all day (10 hours) to 14,000' and spend 80% above 12,000' and I may use 1.5 to 2 liters of water...

Right tools for the job!

I dont seam to have a problem with the dryness at altitude like some do. the only thing I take is stuff for my chapped lips. sun screen is good too but the moisturizer and saline solution seam a bit over kill to me. Peoples noses get dry because they breath too much through their nose and not enough though their mouths, the nose get dry and bleeds.