This is interesting, because I just completed my gear lists for my Wind River trip. I sorted everything by weight and was shocked that I have 17 items that weigh less than 2 ounces, but all together add up to 1.6 pounds! This brings up that each little "thing" we add even though it weighs "nearly nothing" adds up. Lots are convience items. Do I not take my 1-oz pot cozies? Probably will take them because using the cozy helps save gas so probably evens out. Sporke? Yes I would say that is needed. Stuff sacks - probably too many and I will delete at least one. Bandanas -yes too many - delete one. Foil for cooking fish - maybe take half. Another shocking item - 4 oz. TP for 12 days. I can cut that down for sure.

Heaviest items- pack and sleeping bag tie. Third, the tent. All personal and first aid stuff in one ditty bag= 1 lb 4 oz. of about 25 little things, proabley too much, includes some repair stuff, glasses, knife, sunscreen, etc. Crocks at 8 oz - a luxury since I certainly can wade streams in my hiking shoes. I am thinking about this one. In the Sierra it is a definite luxury - in the Winds I will cross streams several times a day.

As much as I "know" where all my extra weight is, deleting any one item of it is painful. I have good reasons for each item!

I just came back from REI and they have tons of little "stuff" - all nice and interesting and of some use, but where do you draw the line? I am quite experienced and still have a hard time to "draw the line".

Other heavy stuff that is only needed for one trip section - crampons and ice axe. And bear spray for two sections. Proably will take my bear cannister even though not required for the two sections with bears, and the Ursack on the others. I have previously done without the crampons and ice axe and took a chance that they were not needed. This once caused me to do a detour and miss a section that I really wanted to see. So there is a price to pay.

So you see in reality it is not that easy.