Science actually does draw tentative conclusions by testing hypotheses via data collection. Meta analysis is especially valuable in this regard, and one such analysis was reviewed by Rockwell.

Sufficient curiosity motivated me to look up Dr. Rockwell's many citations, most of which are available on line.

Without curiosity one cannot learn.

Failing all that, to repeat again, direct links to a fair number of these articles are embedded within the source list at bottom of Wikipedia article on "Wilderness Acquired Diarrhea."

You go to Google and type "Wilderness Acquired Diarrhea" and "Wikipedia."

Click on this item and scroll to bottom of window until you encounter section titled "Footnotes." Certain text in this section will be highlighted in a DIFFERENT COLOR. If you click on this highlighted text, in many cases you will be directed to SOURCES for the article. I recommend Zell, Welch Derlet & etc., as mentioned above.