Originally Posted By phat

This is a bad idea. please don't lug a pack of septic tank chemicals to add into the backcountry. The solution to "you are leaving stuff in the wilderness" is not "add more stuff". you do *not* need to add more stuff to your pile. In normal conditions it'll do just fine all on it's own. In more sensitive areas or high alpine you may need to burn it or pack it out depending on the area (rules, and common sense..)

Phat, do you know this is a bad idea? I believe what he is talking about bringing is just an enzymatic solution. As far as I know it does not contain harmful chemical... just bacteria that break down waste solids. It actually doesn't sound like that bad of an idea to me. The quicker you break down waste the less detrimental it will be. Certainly follow all applicable rules for the area you are in, but maybe this could become a rule for the future.