I got a powershot for Christmas. I think my wife said that she got it on sale for around $100. I am not sure of the exact model, but the specs look similar. I will check when I get home. Of course, I bought her a T2i with an 18-135mm lens. I told her that I wouldn't take her camera backpacking so was planning to get a small P&S that could take 1080p video. 1080p uses a TON of memory. I recently picked up a 16GB SD card for that reason. Make sure and pick up a class 10 card if you want to do a lot of video. So far, the powershot has the same video performance as the T2i. I can't refocus during shooting, like the T2i, but the quality is the same. Since this is an outdoor activity only camera, the still shots are really good with natural lighting. Anyways, I really like it so far, and think it is a great backpacking camera.
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