I carry some rope on overnight hikes. I use it as a ridge line for my lean-to. If I ever needed it in an emergency I probably wouldn’t be able to get to it fast enough as it is usually buried in my pack.

As a chimney sweep I once tried to throw a long length of rope over a snow covered house. I was unsuccessful but the customer lent me his kayak rescue rope. It was a floating line in a canvas bag. I anchored the end of the rope and threw the bag out over the house with great ease. As the bag went out it took the rope with it, laying it over the roof so I could tie it securely on the other side. It worked so well I had my wife make me a bag system which I have used several times now. The neat thing is, it never tangles as it comes out of the bag. I don’t need floating rope and so it cost a whole lot less than the kayak setup. I have never taken the bag line hiking but it might not be a bad idea. It is an easy way to throw a rope to a person in trouble.
