Backpackers who also think that simply by bringing an ice axe or crampons makes it safe to cross steep snow will have a real surprise if they actually fall. The use of both these pieces of equipment are a skill that takes considerable practice to perfect. And even for those who are experts, there is a real limit to stopping yourself. If you do not get it done in the first few minutes it is not going to happen.

Microspikes add to this problem. I am all for microspikes to use on low angle slick snow or ice, but I would not use them on any slope where you have a possibility of a long fall, even a moderate angle slope.

All these gadgets, rope included, can give you a false sense of security. Using this gear with a full pack on your back is also very different than using them on a day climb.

I personally do not carry anything more than parachute cord to lower my pack when needed. I feel no obligation to carry nearly a pound of rope just in case I run across someone who is in trouble. Frankly, on most of my trips off-trail, I may see less than a handfull of people on the entire trip.