I searched on the forum but didn't see any reviews . . . so:

A defuzz-it.

Anyone use one of these to restore their fleece garments? It looks like an anti-pilling device but I'm not sure it works.

My wife said that she used to have a battery-operated thing that cut the fuzzballs off her sweaters (like Angora wool), but that isn't what I'm looking for. (You'd end up with less material to keep you warm.)

And it looks like there's a razor in this thing, too, so it may not be the answer to fleece-pilling.

I'm looking for something to fluff up the fleece, remove the 'pills,' give it some loft, return it to its original condition. Will this work, or do you know of something else that will?

Or am I just dreaming?
- kevon

(avatar: raptor, Lake Dillon)