Bill... sorry... that wasn't meant as a dig at you. Just drawing a distinction between abandonment and departure.

Jim, I've seen a lot of marriages break up and careers derail because neither spouse knew what they were getting in to, and couldn't communicate their wants, needs (including career demands), and desires to their better half, and then take their spouse's concerns into account. I'll suggest that if backpacking is going to be part of the deal in a relationship that doing some of it while an unmarried couple is a good idea - then both parties know what they are getting into, and if that choice is sustainable within the context of the relationship. Showing is a means of communication, and probably one of the best ones for the less verbal among us.

Heather, you are so right about the deal changing over time.

Barefoot Friar, I think that your post struck to the very center of the issue - which is why you got as strong of a response as you did.

Good Luck!!


Edited by Steadman (02/10/12 11:29 PM)