Originally Posted By PerryMK
I am not a sleeping bag guru. This is not a challenge, but a genuine question smile.

I looked up the JRB and WM offerings and it seems that for a similar temperature rating they are of similar weights. For example:

JRB High Sierra Sniveller quilt
Temperature Rating: 5°-10°
Weight: 29 ounces

WM Versalite sleeping bag
10° F
1 lb 14 oz (30oz)

I would think that the ability to close it up could make a bag it warmer than a quilt should the need arise. When the temps are mild the bag could be used like a quilt. What am I missing?

In my experience - not with the Sniveller, but with the 3 season Hudson River - if your quilt matches your body proportions you are able to tuck in down the sides and sleep warmly.

This is easier in a hammock, but I have been racking up a lot of ground nights with the quilt and done pretty well even when I roll and have to re-tuck. I never sleep well on the ground no matter how warm, and I sleep better not having the bag twisted up around me until I'm strangling. Sub freezing, I'm a quilt gal all the way. Subzero is going to be totally different.

I think what you are missing is the flat factor - the quilt truly opens flat, and can be used on a bed. Which I have done. JRB quilts don't have footboxes sewn in. Also, there is the customer loyalty factor, and... the quilt is cheaper.

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
