We are more likely to have problems with poison ivy on the east coast. I've been told the oils have to be washed off within 10 minutes to avoid a reaction, but I can tell you that I have barely bushed a single leaf in my yard, looked down, and immediately rushed into my bathroom to wash with Technu and water. Repeat, repeat. I still got poison ivy. I can get it from doing someone else's laundry after s/he has walked through it. I did get it when exposed from airborne PI oils when someone nearby was doing a huge yard clean-up and ran logs and brush through a shredder. Yep, there had to have been poison ivy mixed in with the other debris. Like in smoke from burned poison ivy, the stuff travels in the air...

Point of info, there is a homeopathic preparation called rhus toxicondendron or something close to that(Rhus Tox for short) It does me more good than prednisone shots or pills if I get into poison ivy.
