Hiking in arid regions is basically an exercise in moving from one water source to another, carrying enough water to travel the distance safely.

But...NEVER EVER depend on hear-say about those water sources. Where I hike, those sources are 99% dry or unusable. I like to carry a reserve that is not to be touched and is enough to get me through a night/day in the even of an emergency. If you hit that reserve, head back.
The desert nearly did a friend and I in once and it's NOT fun.
Your body temp can hit a point where all the water in the world won't help you. Lesson: Carry portable shade. I hike with an umbrella and keep a poncho shelter handy to throw over a cresote bush to keep out of the sun. Long sleeve loose, white, dress shirts and usually a pair of light weight sandals on the back of the pack as 'spare tires'. I've found a few shoe soles melted off out there and wondered how the hikers faired after blowing a shoe. Desert hiking is by far my favorite but it can bite you without warning.
paul, texas KD5IVP