If you have a look at the Hennessy website, you can see the specs on the Ultralight Backpacker - comparing them to the Warbonnet Blackbird you see that they are roughly the same amount of fabric. Yet when I started out, I was not entirely comfortable in the UB and now I am completely comfortable in the Blackbird, which I have even attempted to hang badly and still been able to sleep through the night. So it isn't the size, at least not entirely, that makes the hang comfortable. The Blackbird has the footbox and a full length side zip - I think those things affect the shape the hammock takes while you are in it. Both hammocks have ridgelines, so both should have been easy to hang in.

There are a lot of different kinds of hammocks. I think most of them are probably going to be easier than the Byer smile - I had a complete noob set up my Blackbird last weekend and sleep in it. He normally car camps with a full size camp mattress, six inches of air with blue foam over the top and a sheet, and doesn't sleep too well at all. In the Blackbird he snored and snoozed away the night neatly cocooned in underquilt/top quilt... he is sold and wants to order his own. Granted I did show him how to get it all set up and the proper angle for maximum snoozing comfort (the support ropes should be at a 30 degree angle from the hammock to the tree).

I will suggest going to Amazon and getting The Ultimate Hang - it is a synthesis of all the goodness of Hammock Forums without the forum, summarized and illustrated and boiled down to make it easier for the novice hammocker to understand what might be going awry with the hammock they have and what to do about it. It's available electronically as well.
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
